(360) 357-5700
Don’t Gamble with Your Life

Don’t Gamble with Your Life

As a law firm that frequently handles domestic violence/abuse cases, we felt compelled to have this video made. This issue, and its many variants, are far too often ignored or not taken seriously. The chance that you know someone who is suffering abuse in silence is...
Defending a DVPO

Defending a DVPO

Woohoo, a legal blog! Who would’ve guessed by that not-boring-at-all title, right? Let’s get to it! Domestic violence protection orders (“DVPOs”) are a common mechanism intended for victims of domestic violence to obtain court orders that will prohibit the...
Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

If you’re the victim of domestic violence, a good, experienced lawyer may be part of the solution. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If you’re experiencing a mental health emergency in the South Puget Sound region, call the Thurston/Mason County...
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