(360) 357-5700
Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can be confusing, and the different types of available coverage can confuse anyone not well-versed in the bewildering terminology of the auto insurance world. Let’s see if we can de-mystify this just a little and define some of the jargon related to...
Settling a Personal Injury Case

Settling a Personal Injury Case

The vast majority of all claims for personal injury are settled before trial. Settlements from personal injury cases are obtained from insurance companies in order to help the victims repair or replace damaged vehicles, pay for medical expenses, and receive...
You Were Just In a Car Wreck, What Now?

You Were Just In a Car Wreck, What Now?

Uh-oh. Out of nowhere, you were just in a car wreck. Now what? First, it doesn’t matter if you are at fault or not; the rules are the same whether you are simply sitting at a stoplight thinking about what you’re going to have for dinner and some knucklehead...
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